Category Archives: Announcements

6th Open-Caption Movie

Joe Cepeda is the host of DOCM (Deaf Open-Captioned Movies), since May 4, 2012.

DCOCM’s recent 6th movie event, “Dredd” was shown on Friday, September 21, 2012. There was some new faces that joined, which made the event very successful. The more, the merrier the DCOM’s events will attract the Deaf Community! This is the goal for DCOM’S to bring the Deaf Community together once a month.

A special thanks for Brandon Wheeler, Manager at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Stone Oak, and Michael Razzen, co-host of DOCM, for making this another special event successful.

Starting October 2012, the community will be allowed to vote for one of the three new movies chosen on a monthly basis. Michael and Joe will announce on DCOM’s Facebook and will have a voting option displayed. Whichever has the most winning votes by end of the day, an announcement will be displayed. All tickets are to be purchased at the tickets windows or Alamo Drafthouse Cinema at

Michael & Joe look forward to seeing everyone there in October 2012!

14th Deaf Trivia

How did you do on the last 13th Deaf Trivia (dated 8-27-12)? Did anyone answer all of questions correctly? Are you ready for the next Trivia today?
The answers for the 12th Trivia questions from 7-30-12 are shown below:

1. B
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. A

1. On the article dated 9-17-12, what is Miguel’s favorite bible verse?
A. Psalm 6: 4
B. Leviticus 19:14
C. Philippians 2:4
D. Luke 2: 10

2.  Nathan Baker became a disciple in November 2009.
A. True
B. False

3. Where can you purchase a vibration watch?
A. Wal-mart
B. Harris Communication
C. Amazon
D. Radio Shack

4. Where is E-View Connections’ (Engage) Headquarter located?
A. Florida
C. Maryland
D. Illinois

5. What are the 3 states’ insurance mandates hearing aids for adults?
A. Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware
B. Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine
C. Arkansas, New Hampshire, Rhode Island
D. New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma

The answers will be shown on the next 15th Trivia on October 29th, 2012. Good luck!

5th Open-Caption Movie

The 5th Open-Caption movie event, “The Expendables 2”, happened on Friday, August 17, 2012. The event was not sold out for the first time. We purchased 74 tickets. The goal was to sell tickets for all 135 seats. DCOM was very grateful for Brandon Wheeler, Manager. He did not cancel the event because we sold the minimum amount of tickets to show the movie.

Special thanks for Brandon Wheeler, Manager at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Stone Oak, and Michael Razzen, co-host of DOCM, for making this special event successful.

4th Open-Caption Movie

On Friday, July 20, 2012 at 10pm; for the opening of Batman-The Dark Knight Rises, the Deaf Ministry in San Antonio hosted its 4th Open Caption Movie Night. The event was SOLD OUT! The 135 seat theater was packed with people who were eager to see this acclaimed movie on opening night. We were supposed to be in the theater room 3 but it changed to theater room 5 because of technical difficultly for the digital open-caption. Free sodas were given to those who attended the last event. This is the fourth consecutive month the Deaf Open Caption Movie Night has sold out. God is moving in the deaf community in San Antonio! Joe & Carole Cepeda’s goal is to build strong relationships with the Deaf Community friends.

Special thanks for Brandon Wheeler, Manager at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Stone Oak, and Michael Razzen, co-host of DOCM, for making this event successful. Joe and Michael made announcements 10 minutes before the movie start to say appreciation to our Deaf Community friends and announced for the 5th OC Movie featuring ‘Expendables 2’ on Friday, August 17, 2012. To God be the glory so that those in darkness may see Him!

3rd Open-Caption Movie

Joe Cepeda has been the host of the DCOM (Deaf Open-caption Movie) since May 4, 2012.

The Amazing Spider-Man was the 3rd Open-Caption movie event on Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012 at 9:35pm. Brandon Wheeler, Alamo Drafthouse Cinema at Stone Oak, approved our request to increase reserved seats from 82 to 118. The tickets was sold out by 2 hours before the movie time. This event was sold out for three consecutive months. Michael did fantastic job for this event while Joe & Carole Cepeda weren’t able to attend this event.

Special thanks for Brandon Wheeler, Manager at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Stone Oak, and Michael Razzen, co-host of DOCM, for making this special event successful.

2nd Open-Caption Movie

Joe Cepeda changed his Facebook Community page title. It had been called San Antonio Deaf Open-Caption Movie (SADOCM). Since June 8th, 2012 it will be the Deaf Open-Caption Movie (DOCM). The new name better reflects the interests of the Deaf Community.

The 2nd Open-Caption Movie featured: ‘Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter’ on Friday, June 22nd at 9pm, at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in Stone Oak. Deaf and hard of hearing persons are interested in watching new release movies.

When a captioned movie is featured for the deaf community, there is the concern that a number of tickets get sold (50-80). Although, management has voiced support for this program regardless of the attendance, meeting the goal of a minimum of tickets, will encourage further support for the captioned movies. It is very satisfying how the deaf community has responded to the captioned events; that support is going to guaranty the continuation of the captioned featured movies.

God answered our prayers when the tickets were sold out in the last hour before the movie was to start at 9pm. For two consecutive months the Open-Caption events have been sold out. We are very grateful to the Deaf Community friends for attending and supporting these events. It is wonderful to meet new groups of friends from the large Deaf Community fellowship; the captioned events will give all members opportunities for networking before and after the movies.

3rd Open-Caption Movie for The Amazing Spider-Man is scheduled on July 3rd, 2012. 4th Open-Caption Movie for The Dark Night Rises is scheduled on July 20th, 2012. Stay tune for upcoming DOCM articles!

Special thanks for Brandon Wheeler, Manager at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Stone Oak, and Michael Razzen, co-host of DOCM, for making this special event successful.

Deaf Conference

The 2012 WDS International Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministry Conference at the World Discipleship Summit (WDS) on July 5-8, 2012 in San Antonio, Texas will be focused on inspiring believers to be the dreamers and heroes who are needed so that the mountain of the Lord, the Kingdom of God, be raised above the hills and that all nations will stream to it.

Click here to read the Program for the 2012 Deaf Conference

At the evening sessions in the AT&T Center, reserved seating for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministry is on the front row with an interpreter standing on a small stage in front of the main stage. There are 48 reserved seats for our ministry during entire conference:  section F4 (seats 7-18 and rows 1-4) at the AT & T Center. Videos on the widescreen at the AT& T Center will be available to be shown on subtitles.

Special Thanks for Mike Taliaferro, Director of the WDS, to support for the Deaf Conference.

In Christ,

Joe/Carole Cepeda

Assistant Deaf Conference Coordinators