Michelle McWilliams

Hello Brothers and Sisters! My name is Michelle McWilliams. I’m 23 and I live in a western suburb of Chicago. I did undergrad at Elmhurst College, where I studied Speech-Language Pathology and minored in music. I was involved with many choirs and theater productions in college. During my senior year at Elmhurst I took a course in ASL and really loved it! I decided to pursue ASL interpreting instead of grad school for Speech Pathology. Currently I am in my second semester at Harper College studying ASL. I will apply for the interpreting program next semester. I don’t know yet where God will lead me with this, but I would love just to be able to interpret worship services someday!

I have been a disciple since June 18th 2009. I grew up in a Non-denominational/ evangelical church. I was very blessed that this upbringing gave me a hunger for God and His Word. In College at Elmhurst I was involved with Campus Crusade for Christ and attended several Bible studies. I met a disciple named Josh during a production of Shakespeare’s a “Mid Summer Night’s Dream” we were both in the cast. I found out he went to a “Bible Talk” and, since I loved the Bible, I decided to check it out. I eventually studied the Bible and got baptized. It was hard at first to understanding my former doctrine wasn’t in line with the scriptures, but I really clung to God’s word and knew that I had to follow no matter what. Josh and I are now dating! He is not studying ASL but I’ve taught him a few things and he has picked up a lot about classifiers.

1st and 2nd Peter are two of my favorite books in the Bible; I love the power and clarity they give. One of my favorite scriptures is 2 Peter 3:9 ” The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

This scripture encourages me a lot because even though I want so badly for everyone to become a disciple, God wants them to become a disciple more!